Leading by Innovation

Suppliers Of Water Quality
Instrumentation & Bespoke
Measurement Systems For
Waste-Water Since 1990

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Pollution & Process Monitoring Ltd - PPM is a specialist manufacturer of water and waste-water quality instrumentation. Our manufactured products include instrumentation suitable for on-line water analysis. Key parameters include the Protoc Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Proam Ammonia & Chloride analysers and the OFD - oil on water detection system. We also have considerable expertise in providing turn key monitoring solutions, to satisfy specific application requirements.

PPM Manufactured Products | PPM Product Overview Summary Leaflet

Chemitec, Italy – manufacture on-line instrumentation suitable for water and waste-water applications. The 50 Series instrument is a low cost digital controller accepting multiple sensor inputs covering key parameters Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, ORP, Conductivity, Turbidity, MLSS, Nitrate & Dissolved Organics (TOC), using robust probe technology. The Colortec Analyser technology is also a key product which can be configured for continual ortho-phosphate analysis.

Chemitec Distributed Products

HF Scientific, USA – manufacture a range of on-line & field portable, instruments measuring turbidity, UVT and free chlorine, suitable for potable water applications. The microtol turbidimeter is a low cost nephlometer used for the measurement of drinking water quality. The Accuview is a UVT instrument used for monitoring and control of potable water UV disinfection processes. The CLX free chlorine analyser is an on-line colorimeter, using DPD technology. Portable instruments are also available.

HF Distributed Products

Realtech, Canada – manufacture on-line and field portable instrumentation. PPM distributes the on-line and field portable UVT monitors which have been installed to monitor and control UV disinfection processes.

Realtech Distributed Products

TriOS, Germany – manufacture on-line instrumentation suitable for water and waste-water applications. Robust, digital sensor technology is provided for the optical measurement of TOC, COD, BOD, UVT, UV254nm, Nitrate, Nitrite, NOx, Colour & PAH-oil in water. Fluorescence measurement is used to report Chlorophyll A, CDOM (coloured dissolved organic matter) phycocyanin in cyanobacteria.

TriOS Distributed Products

WTW, Germany – manufacture on-line, field portable and laboratory instrumentation suitable for water and waste-water applications. PPM specialises in the supply of the on-line instrumentation including the digital IQ Sensor Net system covering key measurements which include Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, ORP, Conductivity, Turbidity, MLSS, Nitrate & Ammonium, using robust probe technology.

WTW Distributed Products

Other Distributed Products – we have also selected specific products from other leading manufacturers such as Wess Global and DKK which satisfy niche applications.

Other Distributed Products