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Waste Water Monitoring


Waste Water MonitoringImproved waste management through automation can deliver more efficient waste treatment, reduced energy and chemical consumption and improved effluent quality. The cost of treatment and trade discharge can thus be significantly reduced.

Industrial Inlet Control

Progressively more and more companies are installing instruments to monitor raw effluent and limit the load reaching a balancing tank. Diverting peak loads can dramatically reduce the strength of effluent needing primary treatment, resulting in a more homogeneous waste that is simpler to treat. Consequently, discharge consents are more easily maintained. The Protoc TOC can monitor in real time and divert peak organic loads. Parameters such as Turbidity can indicate the Suspended Solids and pH are also frequently used for continuous measurement and control of waste water.

Activated Sludge Monitoring

Biological treatment is extensively used to treat sewage and industrial effluent, principally to remove ammonia and reduce organic loading. Controlling aerobic and anaerobic digestion using Dissolved Oxygen and Suspended Solids is extensively installed to optimise treatment and regulate aeration - saving money. More recently, the determination of ammonia within the activated sludge has also been shown to be beneficial. Feed forward ammonia control and feed back ammonia control may be implemented to regulate the aeration process more effectively to save energy and maintain a more consistent effluent quality.

Click here for more information on ammonia probe technology [PDF 262KB]

Click here for more information on Proam analytical technology [PDF 2MB]

Waste Water MonitoringCrude and Settled Sewage Measurement

Shock loading and Toxicity may affect aerobic and anaerobic systems. Significant variation and high industrial effluent load often significantly impacts the performance of biological treatment systems to treat waste water resulting in potential breaches of ammonia and BOD consents. The installation of the Protoc TOC analyser reporting the Total Organic Carbon load entering the treatment works and the Proam ammonia monitor can be used to provide forward control and protect the treatment process.

Other Parameters

Progressively Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphate are being introduced by the Environment Agency as consent parameters for specific sensitive catchments. As a consequence, treatment may need to be upgraded to remove these nutrients and on-line monitors installed, to efficiently control this treatment process. The combination of separate ammonia and nitrate measurements may be very effective to provide additional information on the nitrogen balance in the biological treatment system as apposed to performing a true Total Nitrogen measurement.

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